How To Break ChatGPT With One Word

Googlers crack ChatGPT, ex-Apple employees building future computers, and more...

Today’s Menu 🥠

  • Fast Snacks: Warren Buffet, China, & iOS Apps

  • Googlers Crack ChatGPT With A Single Word

  • Ex-Apple Employees Building For The Future

  • Hulk Goes Shopping At The Local Wally World

Read Time: 2 minutes

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This Is Almost Hacking
Googlers Cracked ChatGPT With A Single Word

A group of researchers from Google has published a paper detailing a vulnerability in OpenAI's popular ChatGPT chatbot that allows for the extraction of critical training data.

After hundreds of iterations of repeating the word ‘poem’, the chatbot began deviating from its standard dialogue and producing nonsensical phrases that included verbatim paragraphs from novels, personal information, and even "NSFW content" from dating websites.

Utilizing this technique, the researchers were able to extract over 10,000 instances of ChatGPT regurgitating memorized training data. 

The researchers promptly notified OpenAI of the vulnerability on August 30th to give them time to fix the issue before the team publicized its findings. However, on Thursday afternoon, SFGATE was able to replicate the issue once again and they published their findings.

To address this vulnerability, researchers suggest implementing techniques that make it more challenging for AI models to memorize training data.

Data augmentation, a process that introduces noise or modifications to training data, could serve as a potential solution.

Additionally, developing enhanced methods for detecting and preventing extraction attacks is crucial. Machine learning algorithms could be employed to identify patterns in ChatGPT's output that indicate extraction attempts.

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Home Computer 2.0
Ex-Apple Employees Bringing AI To Desktop

Three former Apple employees launched a new startup called Software Applications Incorporated to harness the power of generative AI to transform the desktop experience.

Ari Weinstein, Conrad Kramer, and Kim Beverett are no strangers to innovation. In 2017, they sold their previous startup, Workflow, to Apple, where it was renamed the Shortcuts app. 

Now, they're back with an even bolder vision: to bring back the "magic" of early computing, where users had the freedom to program their computers to do whatever they wanted.

“If you turned on an Apple II or an Atari, you'd get this basic console where you could type in basic code as a user and program the computer to do whatever you wanted. Everybody spends time in very optimized operating systems with pieces of software that are designed to be extremely easy to use but are not flexible.”

Ari Weinstein

By leveraging the power of large language models like OpenAI's GPT and Meta's Llama 2, Software Applications Incorporated aims to create a new kind of software that is both powerful and flexible.

Imagine being able to simply tell your computer to "add this to my calendar" or "create a presentation with these slides" and having it done for you instantly.

They envision a future where AI assistants can help us with more than every day tasks, such as writing code, analyzing data, and even creating art.

Here's a closer look at the company:

  • Technology: Large language models like OpenAI's GPT and Meta's Llama 2

  • Funding: $6.5 million from OpenAI's Altman, Figma CEO Dylan Field, and other notable names in Silicon Valley

  • Hiring: Looking for up to 10 employees, including a designer and some machine learning experts

Software Applications Incorporated is a company to watch, and their innovative approach to desktop computing has the potential to change the way we interact with our computers for years to come.

More Tools For The Toolbox
5 AI-Powered Apps To Organize Your Life 🧰

Notion: A versatile note-taking and project management app that can be used for a variety of organizational tasks.

Taskade: A collaborative task management app that uses AI to help you prioritize and manage your tasks.

ClickUp: A project management app that uses AI to help you automate your workflows.

Todoist: A simple and easy-to-use to-do list app that uses AI to help you stay on top of your tasks.

Coda: A document collaboration tool that can be used to create a variety of documents, such as reports, presentations, and plans.

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Friday Quiz
Correct Answer ✔️

The real image was A. Image One