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- It's A Prompt Massacre
It's A Prompt Massacre
Discover the best prompts by sending them to battle against each other...
May The Prompts Be With You ✋
As you opened this email, your ship crash landed on Promptooine, and a little green man named Yoda is teaching you how to levitate items with your AI prompts.
What the heck is going on?!
Today’s Menu
Prompt Mastery: Better Than Basics
War Of The Prompts: Enter The Arena
Weird Ass Star Wars Trailer: by AI
Read Time: 2 minutes
Get Good-er At Prompting 💬
Prompting is easy - getting the output you want can be tough.
No, I don’t have a 10,000 prompt “cheat sheet” download to share with you today, but I can tell you how to improve them on the fly:
It all comes down to context.
The more you share, the better your results will be.
You could tell AI to “act as a #role to accomplish #task”, but your outputs are going to be generic.
Think about who you’re writing for, what question[s] you’re answering, what action you want the reader to take, and what format you want your content presented in.
For example, if you’re writing a “recipe blog post”, you could write a prompt like these:
write a blog post about #recipe, OR
write a short story [200 words minimum] about #recipe. tell the audience what it is, when it was discovered, how it was originally made, and a few fun facts [if applicable]. then, end the post with a recipe summary [i.e. name the recipe, total cook time, rating 1-5], and offer a full breakdown including ingredients, step-by-step process, and tips/tricks that would help make the recipe even better.
Which prompt do you think will deliver what you want?
Context is everything.
Treat ChatGPT, Bard, or whatever AI you’re using like it’s a young Padawan fresh out of jedi-college with zero work or life experience outside of alien girls and cantina beers.
AI has all the potential in the world, you only need to hone its power.
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The Big Bite
Prompt Arena ⚔️
Just because you’ve provided a bit of context, doesn’t mean your prompt is good enough to be framed in your office.
Do people still go into the office these days?
The perfect prompt is a combination of two things:
Getting what you’re looking for, and;
Generating consistent outputs - so you can use the same prompt time and time again.
And the best way to accomplish both of those things is to send your prompts to war.
Yes - give them a lightsaber and let them fight to the death.
I’m being totally serious!
There's a tool that tests your prompts against one another and allows you to discover the perfect prompt.
How does it work?
Input your OpenAI API key.
Define the goal of your prompts.
Input the best prompts on the market.
Start the battle.
Plus, you can even let their system generate prompts for you if you’re feeling lazy.
Don’t forget to systemize your winners too!
Building on templates will improve your ability to prompt, which is one of the reasons why Snack Prompt is so valuable.
You can pull from a massive library of various prompts, and improve them rather than writing prompts from scratch.
Today’s Prompt Spotlight 🏆
Apply for tomorrow’s spotlight.
Fill out the application & submit your best prompt.
Now That All Your Prompts Are Trained…
Enjoy this weird ass AI trailer:
Today’s Fast Snacks 🥡
Dall-E 3 Coming Soon?
OpenAI has allegedly been testing a new version of its generative AI imaging model over the past few months. I wonder how good it will be…

Google & Microsoft Fight For AI Domination
Microsoft kicked off the battle with its $13 billion investment into ChatGPT, but will they be able to maintain the lead? I’d like a billion dollars too plz.

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