Sam Bankman-Fried Sentenced To 25 Years

SBFs fraud repercussions, New York Cities gun detectors, and more...

Today’s Menu 🥠

  • SBF Sentences To 25 Years For FTX Fraud

  • NYC Testing AI Gun Detectors On Subway

  • Federation The Future Of Social Media

  • Apple Sues Engineer For Vision Pro Leaks

Read Time: 3.5 minutes

Fast Snacks 🥡

Gemini To Automatically Pull Up Google Maps
Now when you ask for directions from Gemini, it will actively pull up Google Maps to provide them for you. The updated voice command will save drivers a step if they use Google’s AI chatbot app for navigation…

Anything Goes For AI Podcasting [For Now]
Since the public rise of AI, podcasting has had a number of developments indicating how AI may be managed within podcasting. However, the current rule is only to disclose the use of AI in work but not much else…

Unlock Real-Time Data For Your AI Project (partner)
Power your search and AI applications with the fastest growing independent search engine since Bing. Access an index of billions of pages with a single API call…

Billionaire Fraudster
Sam Bankman-Fried Sentenced To 25 Years For FTX Fraud

Sam Bankman-Fried, co-founder of FTX, was sentenced to 25 years in prison for fraud and conspiracy related to the collapse of his cryptocurrency exchange.

The court also ordered him to forfeit over $11 billion.

Despite his defense's claims and his own unconvincing testimony, the judge found his actions unjustifiable, emphasizing the severe impact on FTX customers and the broader implications for the tech and finance industries.

Increased Surveillance
NYC Testing AI Gun Detectors On The Subway

New York City plans to test AI-powered gun detection technology at subway turnstiles to “enhance public safety”.

However, the Evolv technology has faced criticism for inaccuracies, including misidentifying items as weapons.

Despite these issues, Mayor Eric Adams supports the pilot, citing the importance of tech in safety efforts.

Dopt’s AI Assist lets your users point to anything in your product they’re confused about to get ridiculously relevant explanations that unblock them and help them succeed.

With AI Assist, you can build:

💬 Explain anything — Let users point at anything in your product to get relevant help. If they want to learn more, they can ask a follow-up question;

⚡ Proactive error assistance — Automatic help any time a user sees an error;

📐 Contextual help hub — Surface relevant docs based on where the user is and what they’re doing.

Test Your Skill
Snack Quiz: Choose The Real Image 🔍

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Corporate Secrets
Apple Sues Former iOS Engineer For Vision Pro Leaks

Apple is suing a former employee, Andrew Aude, for leaking confidential details about upcoming products, including the Journal app and VisionOS headset, to journalists.

Aude, who joined Apple in 2016, allegedly had extensive encrypted communications with journalists, including sharing finalized features of unreleased products.

Apple accuses him of attempting to "kill" products he disliked and seeks damages, the return of bonuses and stock options, and a court order to prevent further leaks.

Jay Graber’s Opinion
Federation The Future Of Social Media

Bluesky, a project born from Jack Dorsey at Twitter, aims to reshape social media with its AT Protocol, which gives users more control over their digital identities and fostering a flexible, federated online community.

The ‘federation’ enables social servers & platforms to communicate and share data with each other. Meaning, users can follow, interact with, and share content with users on another server without ever visiting said server.

For example, if you joined the federation and posted an image on Instagram with a caption, that image and caption could be pulled from the Instagram server and shared to LinkedIn, Bluesky, and other non-Meta servers.

It’s basically a next-level content management tool, but without having to fork up the cash for the third-party costs & APIs.

Stylo has emerged as a killer tool for enhancing fulfillment support, and is praised for making complex tasks simpler and enabling users to articulate their needs more clearly.

Allowing your team to concentrate on what truly matters: the customers.

With its continual improvements, introduction of new features, and affordability, Stylo stands out significantly from its competition.

No Pulp Please
Tragic Story Of The Incarcerated Orange

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