What If There Were Two Of You

Your new robot assistant, Get ChatGPT to sound like you, & prompt to make things right with her...

Imagine Having A Personal AI Assistant

An AI that embodies you, anticipates your needs, knows you inside out, and speaks in your very voice.

Keep reading to uncover how Lenovo is turning this remarkable concept into reality with their groundbreaking AI twin technology…

Today’s Menu 🥠

  • Lenovo Wants to Create Your Own Personal ‘AI Twin’

  • Stop Using ChatGPT in Beginner Mode

  • Prompt to Generate the Perfect Apology for Her

  • 5 Powerful AI Tools

  • It’s a Phone, it’s a Smartwatch, it’s Both

  • AI Images I Found On Reddit

Read Time: 3 minutes

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Your New Personal Assistant
Lenovo Wants to Create Your Own Personal ‘AI Twin’

Lenovo recently revealed something called the "AI twin" at Tech World 2023. 

Think of it like a smart assistant that learns all about you and what you like. It can do things for you based on the information it gathers from your devices.

During their presentation, Lenovo compared how its AI twin could plan a trip to Sweden for a specific time frame in less than 150 words against a standard AI assistant.

The difference was clear:

While the standard AI assistant gave a generic plan that it might generate for anyone, Lenovo’s personal AI twin generated a trip schedule based on the user’s personal tastes, including giving the best airports to fly out of, suggesting specific restaurants, and giving detailed activities to do while traveling.

But what about your personal information?

Is our data safe?

Well, Lenovo has made it crystal clear that the “AI twin” takes information from the internet and public AI models and adds your personal data into the mix, but not the other way around.

This approach means that your data remains yours and stays safe.

Lenovo wanted to make this point crystal clear during their keynote, so they demonstrated how the AI twin can work seamlessly without an internet connection.

They also said that this technology is ready to be shipped with devices but the brand didn’t share an exact timeline for availability.

Would you try it? Hit reply and lemme know.

Together With Sourcery:

Sourcery is your AI-powered pair programmer - helping you with everything from understanding the code in a new project, running automatic code reviews, writing tests, writing docstrings, and more.

Make it Sound Like You
Stop Using ChatGPT in Beginner Mode

How many times have you had a brilliant content idea, and you were absolutely stoked to see it come to life with the help of ChatGPT?

You fire up the chatbot, ready to transform your ideas into captivating, compelling content.

But then, it happens.

The AI spits out the most robotic, dry, generic, response you’ve ever seen.

Follow these 3 steps to learn how to make ChatGPT copy YOUR writing style:

1. Prepare Sample Texts

Copy and paste the sample texts you have written into a document.

This will help ChatGPT understand how you write and analyze your style.

Note: PDF format works, but you can also use a .csv, .docx, etc.

2. Activate Advanced Data Analysis

Go to ChatGPT settings in the bottom left-hand corner.

Activate "Advanced data analysis" in Beta Features.

Open a new ChatGPT conversation and upload your text document to ChatGPT.

3. Enter Prompts

Here's the first prompt you need to enter so ChatGPT can analyze your style:

Your goal will be to reproduce a given writing style based on text examples. Start by analyzing the texts in the document and describing precisely the formatting, writing style, tone used, and editorial specifics.

You can then use this prompt to make ChatGPT generate your new text:

Perfect. Now, based on the text examples in the document I gave you and your previous analysis, write a new [newsletter, article, ad, etc] about [topic]. Pay close attention to formatting, any common points between texts, writing style, and other elements.

Make Life Simple With AI

This prompt will help you write an affective apology to your partner.

Is your partner giving the silent treatment?

This prompt will help you come up with the best, most effective apology:

What Makes This Prompt Powerful:

  • Responsibility: It acknowledges that you’ve made a mistake and you’re guilty about it.

  • Change Promise: It shows that you’re committed to improving, ensuring no repeat.

  • Guidance Request: It asks for help to fix things.

  • Creative Touch: It’s personal and makes the apology more likely to be accepted.

So, Ready to break the silence and reconnect with your partner?

Beyond ChatGPT
Here are 5 Powerful AI Tools

BlogToPod: Turn your blogposts into AI.

Klipme: Use AI to analyze your long videos and clip the best moments.

Levi V2: Build stunning AI-powered websites in seconds.

AutoApply: Save time and let AI apply for jobs on your behalf.

Pipio: Make personalized video content with realistic AI avatars.

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It’s a phone, it’s a smartwatch, it’s both 😯

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Thanks for reading!
AI Images I Found On Reddit 😆

We can finally lay this to rest.

ChatGPT is a LinkedIn superstar

Well, Mario has no chance now.